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  • rayiglay

Long-time Overdue Farewell

Dr. Tyler Evans (middle) with Dr. Boudreau (left) and Dr. Iglay (right) after getting hooded.

It's been four months since my first Ph.D. student graduated and moved on to greener pastures. Dr. Tyler Evans, congratulations. Dr. Evans joined our lab in July 2020, when Ms. Gabrielle Ripa began her M.S. as well. Soon after starting, he jumped right into helping our lab get established. As I experienced COVID first-hand, he worked closely with Ms. Ripa and postdoc (at the time) Dr. Boudreau to coordinate multiple purchases, field work, and his own proposal development. Fast forward three years and he accomplished

  1. Extensive field work (> 100 miles of transects plus genetic sampling, pig trapping and collaring, and establishing 14 clusters of pig exclosures)

  2. A Directorate Fellows Program position with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

  3. Aced his preliminary exams (i.e., comps) with a memorable 19 out of 20 recall efficiency of theories associated with author name(s) and date

  4. Ran a marathon

  5. A four chapter dissertation (1 accepted publication and 3 publications in revision at the time of this blog).

All the while, Dr. Evans kept a positive attitude, gladly lent a hand to anyone, and really helped me realize how awesome this job is. Thank you Dr. Evans and keep on impressing us!

Dr. Evans is now a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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